Sons 5 Star Program of Service

This program of the Sons of the American Legion go to the root of instilling true Americanism in those individuals who complete the program.
In the 5 Star Program, the five stars that are addressed demonstrate knowledge of; Patriotism – history of the flag, proper display, and proper respect to it; Citizenship – participation in community events and having a working knowledge of the qualities of a good citizen; Discipline – respect for rules and obedience to them; Leadership – principle requirement of leadership; Legionism – thoroughly understands the ritualistic work and the program of activities for the SAL.
Once a SAL member has reviewed the criteria and researched the topics a brief exam is given. Upon successful completion, an application should be completed and submitted to the Detachment or Department for approval after which a medal demonstrating the achievement may be obtained through Emblem Sales.
You don’t have to go too far to find details of this program, it is listed in the Squadron Handbook, but there is also good presentation of both programs on the Sons website,
Today, this program has more importance than ever before because of the countless changes in our education system with regards to what can and what cannot be presented in the classrooms. Our over-indulgence in political correctness has seen the demise in the teaching of many of these values. We cannot hope that today’s educators are teaching the same things we learned in school many years ago; today we must train our youth in the importance of these values. I encourage all reading this to participate in this program because here’s the bottom line – our educators don’t relay many of these values, that leaves it up to you and I and if you don’t know all aspects of the program, how are you going to encourage these values? Let’s do more than talk about it, let’s participate and educate!

Here is the questionnaire. Complete it and give it to the SAL Commander for review and submission
If you would prefer a Word document so that you can type your answers without re-typing the questions click here.