A suggestion was made that the Post and SAL Squadron adopt an informal shirt that could easily identify the members when we are fundraising, working for the Post Family or at informal meetings. The decision was made to adopt a Red and Dark Navy shirt with the Post or SAL Squadron logo located in the upper left corner. Additionally, the ALR Chapter decided to adopt a similar shirt in Military Khaki with the ALR Chapter logo located in the upper left corner. The Post is not funding the purchase of the shirts or the embroidery. Loren was able to get a great deal with the folks that are going to do the embroidery. The shirts are a cotton/polyester blend polo with a pocket. The cost is $25 per shirt which includes the embroidery and the shirt. Please contact Loren or Mick for ordering and provide the appropriate funding so he can order the shirts.
Some members have expressed an interest in a button down shirt. These shirts can be purchased from Dickies. Get the shirt to Loren for the embroidery with the funds for the embroidery. When ordering from Dickies please select either item #1574 for short sleeves or item #574 for the long sleeve. The shirts below are the Dickies shirts. For our female members, here is a link to the Dickies shirts available. Feel free to choose the shirt that is right for you but we ask that you choose a Red and/or Blue shirt for the Post and a Mil Khaki for the ALR.

This is not a fundraising event. This information is posted so that those members who cannot attend the meeting know which shirts the post decided on and to ensure uniformity.
These shirts are not intended to take the place of the white shirts worn at formal American Legion events.