VCEP Meeting

Veterans Memorial Park - Deltona, FL 1912 Evard Ave, Deltona, FL

President’s Day

Nation Wide

A day set aside to observe the sacrifice our President's gave and give in the service of our country.


Veterans Memorial Park - Deltona, FL 1912 Evard Ave, Deltona, FL

Clean up of the park. Many hands make light work. Join us for fellowship at the Cocky Rooster Cafe afterwards

Post Officers Meeting

Veterans Memorial Park - Deltona, FL 1912 Evard Ave, Deltona, FL

All members are encouraged to attend.

Riders/Sons Officers Meeting

Cocky Rooster Cafe - Deltona, FL 1382 Howland Blvd, Deltona, FL

All members are encouraged to attend.

Post/Aux General Meeting

Crosswalk Church 181 Wolf Pack Run, Deltona

General meeting of the Post and Auxiliary

ALR/Sons General Meeting

Crosswalk Church 181 Wolf Pack Run, Deltona

General meeting of the Riders and Sons

Daylight Savings Begins

Nation Wide

Yep, it's that time to spring those clocks forward an hour. Still waiting for our Congress to do away with this antiquated process...