Post Service Officer

Welcome to our Post Service Officer (PSO) Page. We hope that we can provide support and information to any and all veterans who have questions or a need. Feel free to contact our PSO at
We have a VA News section on our website to provide up-to-date VA news. Please take a few minutes to review this site.
We have a Veterans Solutions page that has a whole host of information concerning benefits, programs, and organizations that are dedicated to helping our veterans. Please take a few minutes to review this page.
The Volusia County Veterans Service Office that was in Orange City has moved to the Deltona Regional Library at 2150 Eustace Ave. The office hours are Mon through Fri 0800 to 1700 and the phone is 386-740-5102. Please make a note of it.

An American Legion PSO cannot file your claim, fill out a claim, or represent a veteran with the VA unless they are accredited by the VA. Attending the American Legion PSO course does not certify or accredit a PSO to represent a veteran.

An American Legion PSO has a wealth of information. We can help a veteran find resources to assist them in whatever endeavor they are trying to accomplish. We can provide information concerning benefits, programs, and resources that may assist our veterans to survive a crisis, get VA assistance, and/or provide options for the veteran to consider. Once a veteran has spoken to a PSO and determines that they would like to proceed the PSO can and will provide the points of contact for the program, person, or organization that can help the veteran. A PSO’s greatest weapon is information and we have a ton of it.

The PACT Act was passed in 2022. This expands the VA’s responsibility where burn pits, Agent Orange, and a number of other issues are concerned. Please visit this website for more information PACT Act. If you still have questions please contact a PSO or your local County Veteran Service Officer (CVSO) for more information. If you do not know where your CVSO is located please contact any PSO (regardless of where you live in FL) and we can provide you with this information.

Veterans exposed to Agent Orange have had the presumptive list expanded due to the PACT Act. Visit this website for more information Agent Orange. If you still have questions please contact a PSO or your local CVSO for more information.
            An interesting note concerning Agent Orange. This herbicide was not only used in SE Asia. It has been confirmed that it was used in the United States. Visit this website for a list of locations that are not in SE Asia and qualify for VA assistance Test and Storage outside of SE Asia

            Here is a list of FL locations:
                        In 1944 – Orlando, Cocoa, Near Lake George, Marathon
                        In 1945 – Bushnell Army Air Field
                        In 1951 – Avon AFB
                        In 1952 – Englin AFB
                        In 1954 – Avon Park AFB
                        In 1962 – Jacksonville
                        From 1962 to 1970 – Eglin AFB, C52A test area
                        In 1967 – Apalachicola National Forest near Sopchoppy
                        In 1968 – Eglin AFB

Service members stationed on Camp LeJeune for 30 days or more from 1953 to 1987 may be eligible for VA medical care and/or file a lawsuit for compensation. This includes civilian contractors and dependents. Please visit this website for more information CLNC Water. If you still have questions please contact a PSO or your local CVSO for more information.
            A note concerning the Camp LeJeune lawsuit. There are a number of law firms representing veterans where this is concerned. The American Legion has partnered with Bergmann & Moore, LLC to represent veterans should they decide to file suit. If you would like more information, please contact a PSO. It is highly recommended that the veteran file a VA claim even if they are filing a lawsuit.

For those that have the current VA life insurance, be aware, that this insurance is going away. The new program is VA Life. You should have been notified by now but if not, look into it for transfer and cost information. A link to a Q&A about the VA Life program is posted in our VA News section.

The bottom line is; the American Legion provides veterans with PSOs so that the information concerning benefits, programs, and discounts can be widely disseminated. Please utilize this resource. While we encourage all veterans to be a member of the American Legion, you do not have to be a member in order to speak with a PSO.

We are here to help each and every veteran. From suicide prevention to VA benefits information we are here, just reach out!