The American Legion Blood Donor Program has existed officially since 1942. Legionnaires participate by giving blood and reporting it to their posts, which mark the donation on their annual Consolidated Posts Reports.
A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days or double red blood cells every 112 days, according to the Red Cross. Platelets can be donated as few as seven days apart but a maximum of 24 times a year. Platelets are essential for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or kidney transplants and have weakened immune systems. Donors are given a brief health screening prior to giving blood. The results of it are always kept confidential.
For more information concerning the American Legion Blood Donor Program, take a look at the pamphlet from National.
You can donate at any blood drive, with the American Red Cross or at any One Blood office. Loren donates at the local One Blood office located at 1730 S Woodland Blvd in DeLand (shopping center behind the new Wawa corner of 17/92 and 15). Be sure to report your donation to Loren so the Post can account for it on its consolidated report.
You are more than welcome to donate when it is convenient for you. Loren goes to the DeLand One Blood office; check our calendar for his next visit.
Here is a great resource to locate a blood donation site anywhere in the country. If you happen to be traveling and would like to make a donation but don’t know where to go, this site can help Blood Donation Map