Photo Gallery 2023 City Commission MeetingAux Building Fund DonationLaw & Order FundraisingDeltona HS VisitDept of FL Aux President VisitAux visit to the Deltona VA clinicAdopt-a-ParkLegionnaires helping LegionnairesFUMCH VisitVietnam Veterans DayQuilts of ValorPine Ridge HS JROTC AwardsLaw & Order CeremonyDeltona HS Military BallDeltona Bacon and BrewDeltona HS JROTC AwardsSAL Raffle FundraiserAux Poppy DayMemorial DayFlag Day CeremonyAux Crew4th of July CelebrationTJB FundraiserOfficer InstallationDeltona HS JROTC 9/11 RemembranceWreaths Across AmericaVeterans DayAux Toy DriveChristmas PartyCity Certificates